Friday, November 13, 2009

Intel PRO1000/VT Quad Nic IGB Driver - Untangle Forums

Intel PRO1000/VT Quad Nic IGB Driver - Untangle Forums: "How to compile the Intel IGB driver for an Intel Pro1000/VT quad port NIC.

These directions are based on a clean install of Untangle 6.0.2
lines beginning with -- need to be type in the terminal

Install a fresh copy of Untangle 6.0.2

Add your repositories

-- vi /etc/apt/sources.list

deb sarge main contrib non-free
deb stable main premium upstream

save your file with by pressing esc : wq and press enter

Note: you'll need the headers for the current kernel you are running. If you are not running Untangle 6.0.2, you may have a different Kernel. To determine your kernel version, issue a uname -a command. In my case it's 2.6.22-15

-- apt-get update
-- apt-get install make gcc linux-headers-2.6.22-15-untangle

download your nic drivers and untar

-- tar -xf igb-
-- cd igb-
- cd src
-- make clean
-- make install
optional: modprobe igb or just reboot

You should see the additional nics in the web interface under Config->Network->Interfaces. I also then removed the 2 additional apt sources added in this document. I'm not sure if this step was necessary, but figured why not.

Also, some say that you need to add the driver/module to /etc/modules, but in my case I didn't have to. To verify that it is working, you can just issue an ifconfig -a and see the new interfaces."

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