Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Ubuntu Forums - View Single Post - SNMP and Dell OMSA on a PE 2950 with Ubuntu 6.06LTS server.

Ubuntu Forums - View Single Post - SNMP and Dell OMSA on a PE 2950 with Ubuntu 6.06LTS server.: "SNMP and Dell OMSA on a PE 2950 with Ubuntu 6.06LTS server.
The web interface will start up with /etc/init.d/dsm_om_connsvc start

If you want it to start automatically when you boot up, run this line without the quotes.

'/usr/sbin/update-rc.d dsm_om_connsvc start 20 2 3 4 5 . stop 19 0 1 6 . >/dev/nullssh'

To enable snmp to work with OMSA, you need to enable it. Run '/etc/init.d/dataeng enablesnmp'.
This will add a line at the bottom of your /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf so OMSA can connect to SNMP via smux.

This is the line it adds. 'smuxpeer .'

You still need to configure your snmpd.conf to allow connections to read the snmp. Here is a sample. NOTE: public is always the default community. For added security, change it to something else.

rwcommunity public
rocommunity public
rwcommunity public servername
rocommunity public servername
trapcommunity public
trapsink servername public
trapsink servername public
syscontact Root <root@localhost>
syslocation corp

Trapsink sends traps to that server, with the community string. I do localhsot AND the servers monitoring it. ro and rwcommunity is pretty self explanatory.

NOTE: Check your /etc/default/snmpd file and remove from the line it's on. That is extra security so only localhost can read your snmp traps. Obviously you want others to read it, so make sure to remove it. When you are done, the line should look like this:

SNMPDOPTS='-Lsd -Lf /dev/null -u snmp -I -smux -p /var/run/' <-- don't copy and paste this in, just delete out of that line. You need the back tics and the forum format may change them.

Now do: /etc/init.d/snmpd restart
then a /etc/init.d/dataeng restart

That should get you working for 32bit users.

64bit users, keep going.

If you cannot log in at https://servername:1311 and you keep getting log in, incorrect(and it should if you are running a 64 bit distro), you need to copy some files, as OMSA 5 uses PAM and not it's own authentication anymore.

Change /lib/security path to /lib32 in /etc/pam.d/omauth
This is what omauth will look like afterwards

auth required /lib32/ nullok
auth required /lib32/
account required /lib32/ nullok

and copy from a 32bit install (a server running a 32bit ubuntu/debian distro) theses files :


copy into /lib32 on your amd64 servers.

I just run these lines on the 32bit server, to copy over to my amd64 server.

scp /lib/security/libse* root@server:/lib32/

scp /lib/security/pam_* root@server:/lib32/

then edit the /etc/pam.d/omauth as described above.

after a ldconfig (run ldconfig) you should be able to pam login to the web interface at https://server:1311

For snmp to work, I would restart a few services.

Do a /etc/init.d/snmpd restart
then a /etc/init.d/dataeng restart

If you don't have a 32 bit install, PM me, I could zip the files up and send them to you.

That should do it.

Good luck."

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dell PERC 6/i and RAID monitoring

Dell PERC 6/i and RAID monitoring: "Dell PERC 6/i and RAID monitoring

A few pointers for people trying to get Dell's PERC 6/i RAID monitoring working under Ubuntu, and any other linux for that matter. It also applies to PERC 5/i too, and... other stuff :-)

First, visit Dells Linux site. Have a poke about, see what's there.

Next, we need to download a tool to get information from your array. Download LSI's MegaRAID CLI tool for linux. It comes as a .RPM, so if you're an ubuntu user, you can convert it to a .deb using alien, or convert it to a .tar.gz.
# alien --to-tgz MegaCli-1.01.39-0.i386.rpm

You then have a CLI tool you can use to get all your data now! For example:
# ./opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -LDInfo -Lall -aALL | grep State State: Optimal

One thing I spent a while figuring out was how to get the rebuild progress, so here's how:
# ./opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 -PDRbld -ShowProg -PhysDrv \[32:1\] -aALL

There's also a really useful cheat sheet for common tasks

Don't forget to actually monitor this output with nagios, or your favorite monitoring tool!"

Thursday, November 19, 2009

lanmap – Network discovery tool that produces nice 2d images | Ubuntu Geek

lanmap – Network discovery tool that produces nice 2d images | Ubuntu Geek: "Lanmap Listens to all available traffic on the interface of your choice, figures out who’s talking to who, how much, using which protocols.

This information is then put into a nice human-readable 2d image (various formats are available) which can be used to understand a network’s topology.

Install lanmap in Ubuntu

sudo aptitude install lanmap

This will complete the installation

Using lanmap

lanmap syntax

lanmap [-o directory] [-e program] [-T {png,gif,svg}] [-f filtetr] [-D {#,all,raw}] [-r seconds]

[-i {?,*wildcard*,iface}] [-h] [-v] [-V]

lanmap example

lanmap -i eth0 -r 30 -T png -o /tmp/

This will create a lanmap.png file under tmp folder

You can see the same screen here

lanmap available options

-o directory – The directory in which to save the generated images. Default is the current directory.

-e program – The program to use to generate images. Default is twopi.

-T {png,gif,svg} – Output image format. Default is png.

-f filter – Traffic filter, in libpcap syntax.

-D {#,all,raw} – Debug mode; lots of output, use with caution. #: payload bytes to dump (default: 0)

-r seconds – Set the time interval between 2 consecutive graph generations. Default is 60 seconds.

-i {?,*wildcard*,iface} – Interface to use: ?: list all devices and exit *3Com*: use the first NIC with

“3Com” in it

-V – Version info.

-vv – Verbose mode, up to 3 levels (-vv, -vv09:21 29/11/2007v).

-h – Help message."

Network Discovery and Topology Mapping - Ubuntu Forums

Network Discovery and Topology Mapping - Ubuntu Forums: "I'm looking for an application to use to map an industrial ethernet network, and make a graphical network map.

I have tried nmap and it works for me at home but not at work, also it doesn't make graphical topology maps.

I'm looking for something that is easy to use and install under Kubuntu.

So far I have tried, and am not satisfied with or unable to get working

Cacti + weathermap
AutoScan - gets stuck at update fingerprints

So if there is anything in the list that you think I really should be using please say so.

Also if there is anything not in the list that you thing will do the job for me, please tell me.

I have also tried using a few apps via wine, but not good there either.

Any advice at all would be helpful.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Print Page - Customize Xfce 4.6 logout dialog

Print Page - Customize Xfce 4.6 logout dialog: "In a terminal emulator, Xfce terminal, xterm no matter which one:

xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -np '/shutdown/ShowSuspend' -t 'bool' -s 'false'


xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -np '/shutdown/ShowHibernate' -t 'bool' -s 'false'"

Friday, November 13, 2009

Intel PRO1000/VT Quad Nic IGB Driver - Untangle Forums

Intel PRO1000/VT Quad Nic IGB Driver - Untangle Forums: "How to compile the Intel IGB driver for an Intel Pro1000/VT quad port NIC.

These directions are based on a clean install of Untangle 6.0.2
lines beginning with -- need to be type in the terminal

Install a fresh copy of Untangle 6.0.2

Add your repositories

-- vi /etc/apt/sources.list

deb sarge main contrib non-free
deb stable main premium upstream

save your file with by pressing esc : wq and press enter

Note: you'll need the headers for the current kernel you are running. If you are not running Untangle 6.0.2, you may have a different Kernel. To determine your kernel version, issue a uname -a command. In my case it's 2.6.22-15

-- apt-get update
-- apt-get install make gcc linux-headers-2.6.22-15-untangle

download your nic drivers and untar

-- tar -xf igb-
-- cd igb-
- cd src
-- make clean
-- make install
optional: modprobe igb or just reboot

You should see the additional nics in the web interface under Config->Network->Interfaces. I also then removed the 2 additional apt sources added in this document. I'm not sure if this step was necessary, but figured why not.

Also, some say that you need to add the driver/module to /etc/modules, but in my case I didn't have to. To verify that it is working, you can just issue an ifconfig -a and see the new interfaces."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

HowTo Achieve "Ubuntu-Desktop-Minimal" - Ubuntu Forums

HowTo Achieve "Ubuntu-Desktop-Minimal" - Ubuntu Forums: "#!/bin/bash ####################################################################### # Ubuntu-Desktop-Minimal: Post-install script to install only the bare # essentials of an Ubuntu Desktop. ####################################################################### echo '[*] Installing Gnome Essentials' sudo apt-get -y install gnome-core gdm network-manager-gnome fast-user-switch-applet \ human-theme x11-xserver-utils tangerine-icon-theme gnome-themes-ubuntu ubuntu-artwork \ jockey-gtk gnome-screensaver gnome-utils echo '[*] Installing Application Essentials' sudo apt-get install -y gcalctool tsclient"