Monday, August 3, 2009

Web - Setting Joomla Directory Permissions

Web - Setting Joomla Directory Permissions: "Setting Joomla Directory Permissions
Topic: Web Posted:2006-08-13
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The main thing that needs to be changed during a Joomla install is the directory permissions. Here is a shot of the install application before fixing the permissions:

administrator/backups Unwriteable
administrator/components Unwriteable
administrator/modules Unwriteable
administrator/templates Unwriteable
cache Unwriteable
components Unwriteable
images Unwriteable
images/banners Unwriteable
images/stories Unwriteable
language Unwriteable
mambots Unwriteable
mambots/content Unwriteable
mambots/editors Unwriteable
mambots/editors-xtd Unwriteable
mambots/search Unwriteable
mambots/system Unwriteable
media Unwriteable
modules Unwriteable
templates Unwriteable

Here is the sequence of commands to set the permissions for the web server account (apache):

chgrp apache administrator/backups
chgrp apache administrator/components
chgrp apache administrator/modules
chgrp apache administrator/templates
chgrp apache cache
chgrp apache components
chgrp apache images
chgrp apache images/banners
chgrp apache images/stories
chgrp apache language
chgrp apache mambots
chgrp apache mambots/content
chgrp apache mambots/editors
chgrp apache mambots/editors-xtd
chgrp apache mambots/search
chgrp apache mambots/system
chgrp apache media
chgrp apache modules
chgrp apache templates
chmod g+w administrator/backups
chmod g+w administrator/components
chmod g+w administrator/modules
chmod g+w administrator/templates
chmod g+w cache
chmod g+w components
chmod g+w images
chmod g+w images/banners
chmod g+w images/stories
chmod g+w language
chmod g+w mambots
chmod g+w mambots/content
chmod g+w mambots/editors
chmod g+w mambots/editors-xtd
chmod g+w mambots/search
chmod g+w mambots/system
chmod g+w media
chmod g+w modules
chmod g+w templates

Now the installation check looks like this:

administrator/backups Writeable
administrator/components Writeable
administrator/modules Writeable
administrator/templates Writeable
cache Writeable
components Writeable
images Writeable
images/banners Writeable
images/stories Writeable
language Writeable
mambots Writeable
mambots/content Writeable
mambots/editors Writeable
mambots/editors-xtd Writeable
mambots/search Writeable
mambots/system Writeable
media Writeable
modules Writeable
templates Writeable"

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